Lazy (13.02. – 14.02.)

Got up at about 1, then at some point we went to publix to buy some groceries and to an Italian where I got a Pepperoni roll. Henrieke got to try out Katamari Damacy, and we finally got some work done. We did some orders for stuff we wanted to take back to europe, and I tried playing Portal. Since I didn’t feel like buying the Game, Chris showed us the ending which finally made me get alot of Internet jokes.
We had some Frenchbread with Brie for dinner, Chris showed us his torch and both Henrieke and me tried out his Kangaroo jumping boots (fun).
Watched some more Looney Tunes on his enormous wall and went to bed at 2.


Chris took us to the mall, where we looked around in cool stores. Also we saw a 3D-HDTV! It was pretty amazing.
We had lunch at Firehouse-Subs and John picked us up for FPS, where we spent the rest of the day. Randy made some really good food and we had alot of fun there!

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