Shuttle Launch (24.02.)

About 3 hours before the launch Chris, Megan, Henrieke and me went to Titusville to see the Shuttle launch from about 7 miles distance. Even though a nail that got somehow jammed into the tire made things more complicated, we made it in time well before tha launch. We found a nice place to view the launch from with many other shuttle nerds around.

Exactly on time, the shuttle launched, and a few seconds later we got to hear the loud engines and see the bright exhaust and after a minute the shuttle was out of sight already. It was AWESOME 🙂

Blasting off! (Photo by Chris)
Blasting off! (Photo by Chris)
Me, watching it go off (Photo by Henrieke)
Me, watching it go off (Photo by Henrieke)
There were also some horseshoe crabs watching! (Poto by Henrieke)
There were also some horseshoe crabs watching! (Photo by Henrieke)

After the launch we went to a restaurant for 3 hours to avoid the worst of the traffic jam, and even after that we were stuck in the traffic jam for a long time.. ALOT of people went to see the launch apparently.

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