Some more drawings

Here are some drawings I didn’t post yet!

Cartoon kangaroo and lemur
A christmas present for my mom that Henrieke and me drew together.
Kangaroo, Lemur, Meerkat.
Since Titash had a little Scooter accident a while ago, I sketched this for him and Henrieke colored it.
A quick drawing of a Dragon for a friend.
A quick drawing of a Dragon for a friend.

1 thought on “Some more drawings”

  1. Hi! I just wanted to say that your sketches of the kangaroo are the best I’ve seen. I have two daughters and it’s a standing joke that one is a kangaroo and the other a monkey, I’ve been looking for some cartoons for them but until now I hadn’t found anything I liked. Some if these are so perfect, they capture my kids like you would never believe. Is there any chance you sell these? Thanks for posting all these, they are great.

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