Everything is deep-fried on a stick (19.02.)

Lisa picked us up around noon and we had a really nice breakfast/lunch at 5&Diner, a 50s themed diner with perfect theming (except the plasma TV).
Then we spent quite some time looking around at Barnes&Noble and went to Lisas place afterwards to draw cartoons. Lon invited us to go to the Osceola County Fair, so we went to Johns place first and saw a wild raccoon!


The fair was pretty crowded and everything was deep fried. We ended up having typical fair food like a corn dog (sausage dipped in several layers of corn dough and deep fried), mini-donuts (deep fried), and funnel cake (deep fried batter).



100219_7136Mark went to have some fried gator on a stick but they were out of it.

When all people arrived it was Henrieke, Lon, Marc, Lisa, Randy, John, Zeke, Jordan, Chris and me there.

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