Ballpoint sketches of random animals. Needs more variety in terms of shapes…
Raccoon playing on a keyboard, for a friend in Florida.
Sketch for a tasmanian veteran car race that ended up not being used.
2 thoughts on “Friday Sketchdump #95”
Love the one with the car! Finish it up! 😀
Also I see some I like a lot in the first page of sketches!
yay, variation is very good. We as artists should strive for that.
I second the finishing of the car. It makes a very nice picture all in all.
Maybe check the position of the body again cause the feet don’t work too well with the silhouette. And the tires look a bit static. One or 2 wrinkles might give them a nice organic feel. JohnK did a very nice entry about old Disney principles, one of them being animated deformed props. You might wanna check the tires of Goofy’s pickup.
I hope to see your friday sketchdumps regularly, dude. Being regular is key to a good workflow and shows off your artsy week to your followers. And yeah I should do the same, tehe ^^;
Love the one with the car! Finish it up! 😀
Also I see some I like a lot in the first page of sketches!
yay, variation is very good. We as artists should strive for that.
I second the finishing of the car. It makes a very nice picture all in all.
Maybe check the position of the body again cause the feet don’t work too well with the silhouette. And the tires look a bit static. One or 2 wrinkles might give them a nice organic feel. JohnK did a very nice entry about old Disney principles, one of them being animated deformed props. You might wanna check the tires of Goofy’s pickup.
I hope to see your friday sketchdumps regularly, dude. Being regular is key to a good workflow and shows off your artsy week to your followers. And yeah I should do the same, tehe ^^;