Today we spent most of the time relaxing and getting stuff together for packing. We wanted to go to thrift shops, however I spent about 2 hours today on the phone with Air France, asking about any kind of compensation for the extremely bad treatment and the 5-days delayed luggage.Well, once again, I found it out:
Air France has the worst customer service ever.
We were offered a lousy 50$ off our next flight, which likely will not happen as I don’t want to be treated like dirt again. No honest apologies, no upgrades, no anything. I spent part of my day in waiting lines and was redirected to 6 different representatives which all were as unhelpful as the customer service we dealt with when our luggage was lost. It is obviously company policy to not-care about anything and pretend like horrible service is normal when flying with a major airline.
We will definitely contact consumer associations in both the Netherlands and Austria, explaining our situation and warning people about how Air France deals with their costumer when something goes wrong. I know that other airlines go out of their way to keep a good reputation, Air France seems to go out of their way to keep a bad reputation.
Enough about that. Thanks to spending too much time on the phone we arrived late at Skycraft, a surplus store I’ve been meaning to check out for a long while. We only had 10 minutes to check out the store, but I got a cool old projector lens! There was a camera store right next to it that only sold second hand vintage camera gear, sadly also closed. We went to Crispers to dinner and had some nice salad and soup, then to Mix for some tasty Froyo!