Had breakfast at Starbucks, a way less fancy experience than in Austria. Then went to the Dealer’s Den to say hi to everyone we knew, mostly annoying Louve and Booboo, also meeting Stigmata who is a *real* artist. Henrieke’s book was on sale at the con, giving us the first chance to see it in real!
Apart from the Dealer’s Den we also went to the Artist Alley and pretty much spent most of the day there.
For lunch we went to the Peachtree Center Mall and got some tasty chicken. After wandering around a bit at the con, I got Baseball out for a short while.
At 6:30 Henrieke went to a crowdfunding panel, I went to Chorca’s room in the meanwhile and hung out a bit with the people up there.
Also I got a tiny Domino’s “Pan Pizza” which they sold directly in the hotel. It looked adorable, but tasted terrible and made me wonder how on earth one could mess up Pizza. It pretty much tasted like someone accidentally dropped the whole thing in a barrel of oil. After the panel we tried to have an artjam in the Artist Alley, sadly much less big than at FWA 2011 but still very fun. Louve made an amazing drawing for me despite having to be somewhere else and we also met bloodshot23, an absolutely amazing artist who I instantly did an art trade with! It’s always fun meeting new people! Also Zahzu, who might be an even bigger Lemur nerd than Henrieke was there, making awesome art. Eventually I went to the dancefloor and danced a bit with Shannon, sadly Henrieke felt bad because of her elbow problems so we went to bed shortly after that.